
We Provide All Aspects Of Medical Practice For Your Whole Family!


Our Services

We're offering a full range of services for almost any dental related problem.

Smile Makeover

Professional scaling involves the use of an ultrasonic scaler that scrapes away bacterial plaque and tartar from the tooth surface. Polishing is done after cleaning to make the tooth surface smooth.

Root Canal

In simple terms, root canal treatment is the removal of the infected soft tissue within the tooth and its replacement by an artificial inert 'filling' material. This procedure basically saves the tooth and eliminates dental pain.

Dental Implants

A dental implant is a small "anchor." It is inserted into the jawbone to take the place of your missing tooth root. A prosthetic replacement tooth is then secured to the top of the implant. Dental implants offer a more permanent solution for replacing lost teeth.


Orthodontists requires professional skill in the design, application and control of corrective appliances, such as braces and retainers, to bring teeth, lips and jaws into proper alignment and to achieve facial balance.

Gum Surgery

Tooth decay or cavity or gum is an infectious disease that destroys the structure of teeth. If left untreated, it can lead to pain and infection and in severe cases, tooth loss.

Paediatric Dentistry

We recommend a first checkup by 12 months old to make certain that teeth and jaw development are normal, and even more importantly so that parents and guardians know how to help their children be healthy from the start.


Diastema is a space or gap between two teeth. Many species of mammals commonly between the incisors and molars. The term is most commonly applied to an open space between the upper incisors (front teeth).

Cosmetic Dentistry

Cosmetic dentistry is generally used to refer to any dental work that improves the appearance (though not necessarily the function) of a person’s teeth, gums and/or bite.


Crowns are used to replace missing teeth. They can be made from gold, metal, porcelain and white (Tooth) colored Zirconium. White crowns can greatly improve your confidence and smile.