Teeth Whitening

Crown & Bridges

Procelain fused to metal crowns provide for a strong, durable, and esthetic treatment option and a Bridge is the replacement of one or more missing teeth with the support of the surrounding teeth.

Crowns and Bridges are cemented onto existing teeth or implants, and can only be removed by a dentist.

Porcelain-fused-to-metal crowns provide for a strong, durable, and esthetic treatment option. One consideration in the porcelain-fused-to-metal crown is that these crowns may tend to show the underlying metal or gold margin at the gum line as gums recede over time.

A Bridge is the replacement of one or more missing teeth with the support of the surrounding teeth. Usually a permanent solution and when done professionally can significantly enhance your smile and confidence.

Some patients opt for this type of crown, but replace the crown at a later date in order to maintain a higher esthetic benefit. Porcelain-fused-to-metal crowns with an all porcelain collar can eliminate this vulnerability.

If you are missing a tooth or series of teeth, all-porcelain dental bridges may offer the ideal solution. At our practice, we place dental bridges that provide a natural appearance, reduce a patient's risk of gum disease, and correct speech and bite difficulties. In addition, dental bridges eliminate the possibility that your remaining teeth will shift to fill the gap left by a missing tooth.

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