Dental Implant

Dental Implant

Your teeth play an important part in your daily life. It not only helps you to chew and eat your food, but frames your face.

A dental implant is the ideal replacement for a missing tooth!

Dental implant, is a prototype of a natural tooth root, made of the most biocompatible metal, Titanium, which fuses to the jaw bone (osseointegrates) over a period of time.A crown is placed over it. If done well, it looks, feels and lasts like the real tooth it replaces.

Implants are substitutes for lost teeth. In this procedure we need not cut down the teeth either side for crowns to support the bridge. Implants are very durable and will last many years. With good care, many implant last a lifetime.

To place a bridge, the teeth on either side have to be ground down and crowns placed. This is avoided with Dental Implants. Since your healthy teeth are left untouched, this can have a significant long-term benefit for your oral health.

Designed for toothless areas, this treatment involves implanting artificial dental roots made of titanium which is a special metal to the jaw bone for a natural feel as well as aesthetic satisfaction. This is safe and a better alternative to the existing bridge or denture. Placing an implant requires a small operation.